
Bhujang → cobra

asana → posture/pose

Level: Beginner


  • Strengthens and tones the spine
  • Tones the belly and helps reduce belly fat
  • Helps regulate metabolism, improves appetite, helps with weight control
  • Opens ups the shoulders and chest
  • Improves posture

Not recommended if you:

  • Have a back, wrist or neck injury
  • Suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (in the hands)
  • Are pregnant
  • Are still recovering from abdominal surgery

How to do Bhujangasan:

  1. Lie flat on your stomach with your arms resting comfortably by your side
  2. Keep your legs together and your toes touching
  3. Move your hands and place them palms down near your shoulders
  4. Inhale deeply and raise your head and trunk, placing the weight of your upper body on your hands.
  5. Contract your thigh muscles and move your torso upwards so that your chest and abdomen are off the floor. Tilt your head back and look up at a 45-degree angle
  6. At this point, your torso is off the floor, but your hips, thighs and legs are firmly on the floor
  7. Breathe deeply and hold the pose for 15-30 seconds. With some practice, you will be able to hold the pose for longer
  8. To come out of Bhujangasan, exhale and gently bring your chest and shoulders back to the floor. Bring your arms back to your sides and relax

Dos and don’ts while doing Bhujangasan:

  • Do this asana slowly and gently. Don’t jerk your back when moving upwards – this may cause injury
  • When moving upwards, make sure your hands are firmly on the floor to avoid slipping
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears
  • To avoid undue pressure on your elbows and wrists, straighten your arms and stretch your back as per your comfort level. But don’t overdo it!
  • Breathe normally while stretching and relaxing