Anaemia occurs due to loss of iron and whose iron intake is not adequate. I have always been anaemic and my haemoglobin count not more than 9. Everyone is aware about dark green leafy vegetables like spinach,fenugreek as iron rich foods. However I found the following ingredients more helpful than the leafy vegetables when it come to treating anaemia. I have now managed to bring my count to 11. Yay !

Kitchen ingredient remedy

  • Jaggery – Jaggery helps in improving haemoglobin count. Have a small piece of Jaggery everyday with your meal or after meal as dessert.
  • Dates – Dates are good source of iron. Eat 2-3 dates daily to help you fight the fatigue that anameia will cause.
  • Black currants – Soak 8-10 black currants every night and have them the following morning.
  • Vit C rich foods – Have a lot of Vitamin C rich foods ad Vitamin C increases absorption of iron in the body.

Ayurvedic remedy:

  • Loh Bhasma – This ayurvedic preparation is used to treat Anaemia. However this medication should strictly be taken under medical supervision.