Lockdown stories-I have become my grandmother

Lockdown stories-I have become my grandmother

I have become my grandmother! Since the Coronavirus crisis hit us like a ton of bricks, I have ‘met’ a lot of complainers and whiners. These are the people who complain about the virus, about the national lockdown, about social distancing, about essentials shortages,...
40th birthday in a lockdown

40th birthday in a lockdown

Well, I turned 40 this year! Maybe I should keep that a secret! LoL who cares… after all they say age is but just a number! Nah! Well believe me I would shout on top of my voice that age is not just a number! Dude you would know if you ask those aching joints...
Celebrate an event in lockdown

Celebrate an event in lockdown

Our world was brought to a grinding halt due to Covid-19 on Mar 22, 2020. We had 2 events falling on 27th March, sisters anniversary and my better halfs birthday. The initial plans were to celebrate in a resort with the entire family, but obviously that wasn’t...

Things to do in a lockdown

Covid-19 pandemic, global lockdown, closed schools, Janta curfew, 400K infected, 14K deaths… news have been second only to our breath since a few weeks now. Most people are troubled on two fronts – panicking because they may themselves catch the virus, and...
Slumber pajama party

Slumber pajama party

My teenager was in her second teen year and she decided to have a pajama slumber party. Well your wish is my command is what I tell my kids when it comes to their birthday parties.I was lucky enough to have an aunt who had her yoga studio. I decided to use the studio....