
Hal → plow

asana → posture/pose

Level: Intermediate/Advanced


  • Strengthens the spine and neck, improves posture
  • Massages the digestive organs, regulates appetite and improves digestion
  • Helps reduce belly fat. May also help with weight loss
  • Tones the legs and thighs
  • Increased blood flow to the brain to help reduce stress and fatigue

Not recommended if you:

  • Have a back or neck injury
  • Are suffering from high blood pressure or diarrhoea
  • Are menstruating or pregnant

How to do Halasan:

  1. Lie flat on your back with your arms resting comfortably by your side
  2. Inhaling deeply and using your abdominal muscles, lift both legs simultaneously until they form a 90-degree angle to the floor and your torso
  3. Now supporting your hips and back with your hands, lift your hips off the floor
  4. Keep moving your legs until they form a 180-degree angle. Your toes will now be on the floor just beyond your head
  5. At this point, either leave your hands flat on the floor or clasp them lightly together
  6. Breathe normally and hold this pose for about a minute (or for as long as you are comfortable). Let your body relax and clear your mind
  7. To come out of Halasan, exhale and gently bring your legs down to your original prone position

Dos and don’ts while doing Halasan:

  • Do this asana very slowly and gently. Don’t jerk your legs while moving them up or down – this will strain your back and neck and may even cause injury
  • If you feel a strain in your neck, gently bring your legs back, lie back in the prone position and relax
  • Support your back on the tops of your shoulders