
Pavan → wind

mukt → free/relief

asana → posture/pose

Also known as: Knee to chest pose

Level: Beginner

Pavan muktasan is one of the best poses for relieving gastric problems such as acidity, indigestion and bloating (gas). However, it also has other benefits (see below). There are two versions of this asana: Half (adho) and Full (purna)


  • Massages internal organs of the digestive system to release trapped gases and reduce bloating
  • Stimulates digestion
  • Strengthens back, reproductive system (especially for women) and digestive system
  • Repetitive movement tones the arm and leg muscles

Do this asana if you are:

  • Suffering from gastric problems such as constipation, acidity or bloating
  • Trying to reduce belly fat and tone your abdominal and thigh muscles

Not recommended if you are:

  • Pregnant
  • Recovering from a recent abdominal surgery
  • Suffering from piles or hernia
  • Have a neck injury
  • Have back/neck/heart problems or high blood pressure

How to do Adho (half) Pavan muktasan:

  1. Lie on your back with your feet slightly apart and your arms at your side
  2. Relax and breathe normally
  3. While breathing out, fold your left leg so that your knee moves towards the pelvis
  4. Grasp your knee with your hands and pull it close to the chest (as if you are hugging the knee)
  5. The right leg should remain stretched out on the floor in a relaxed position
  6. Hold the asana for a few seconds while breathing normally
  7. Breathing in, release your left leg and move it back to the floor. Both arms should also be on the floor at this point
  8. Repeat steps 3-6 with the right leg
  9. Alternate these steps with the left and right legs 3-4 times each
  10. Breathe normally and bring the legs and hands back to their original positions on the floor. Relax

How to do Purna (full) Pavan muktasan:

  1. Lie on your back with your feet slightly apart and your arms at your side
  2. Relax and breathe normally
  3. While breathing out, fold both legs so that your knees moves towards the pelvis
  4. Grasp knees – each with each hand – and pull them close to the chest (as if you are hugging both knees)
  5. Hold the asana for a few seconds while breathing normally
  6. Breathing in, release both legs and move them back to the floor. Both arms should also be on the floor at this point
  7. Repeat 3-4 times

Dos and don’ts while doing Pavan muktasan:

  • Try to practice this asana first thing in the morning to release digestive gases
  • Keep your head and neck relaxed, and your shoulders on the floor while moving your legs towards the chest
  • Keep your lower back on the floor to avoid straining or pulling it