There are different ways to travel the approx 210 km distance from Stavanger to Bergen (bus, plane(if you get cheap tickets)), but we chose the ferry because it gave us the chance to enjoy the beautiful fjords, high mountains and picturesque small farms that separate these two gorgeous towns and also the convenience of moving around as I didnt want to sit in the bus for 5 hours. Both bus and ferry options will give you good views but bus can give you a fun experience if you have never done a ferry crossing in bus before.

The bus trip between Bergen and Stavanger also includes a ferry across the Boknafjord (22 minutes crossing). Several underwater tunnels are also a part of the trip .Kystbussen has buses once an hour.

MS Stavangerfjord is a Danish registered cruiseferry operated by Norwegian ferry operator Fjord Line. By the way, the MS Stavangerfjord is only one of two ferries in the world powered entirely by green gas. The other is the MS Bergensfjord, which also runs between Bergen and Stavanger!

It departs  at 7.00 am from Risavika terminal which is 30 min away from main city. They have a shuttle bus which will pick you up from the city centre bus stop at 5.50 am. It reaches Bergen at 12.30 pm.  Once you reach the terminal you check in and after boarding if you haven’t booked a cabin you can relax in public lounges onboard.

The only drawback of not having a cabin is that you have to be around your luggage and can’t move freely. But since we were three of us we took turns to move around and enjoy the decks and cafes on board.
We caught a beautiful sunrise from the deck as the ship left the Risavika terminal in Stavanger.