Zip zip zoom….fly!

When you think Singapore the words adventure sports and ziplining don’t immediately  spring to mind for most people. And with good reason: modern, hyper-urban Singapore is not exactly known as a premier adventure sport destination. Until a month ago, I would have agreed. But when my kids and I went on an exhilarating ziplining adventure there, we had such an unforgettable experience that I now recommend Singapore as an adventure sports destination to everybody who’ll listen (and even everybody who won’t! LOL!

Some basic info before we get started:

What is ziplining?

Ziplining involves sliding down an inclined cable that is strung between two distant points, by holding on to a moving pulley that attaches to, and moves along the cable. The sport combines an exhilarating blend of nature and high-speed adventure, with some good old gravity thrown in for good measure!

Is it dangerous?

Not if you sign up with a reputed company and follow their safety instructions exactly. If you are suffering from any health problems though, you should talk to your doctor before embarking on a ziplining (or any!) adventure.

Is ziplining safe for kids?

In general, yes. However, in my opinion, very young kids (younger than 6 years) should not try ziplining. As a parent, you should first confirm that the ziplining company is willing to take kids on the ride. They generally weigh every kid and if the weight is below 25kg the kid has to be strapped to the parent and they zipline as a pair. If they are, allowed by themselves, talk to them about their safety procedures, and ensure that your kids pay careful attention to the instructions.

Now, on to Singapore…

I signed up with Singapore’s Mega Adventure company at sentosa Island. Their MegaZip 3-wire zipline is an impressive 450 metres long. While you’re on it, you can achieve a top speed of 60 kph while suspended 75 metres above ground. Now if that’s not a pulse-pounding, breath-stealing adventure, then I don’t know what is!

Check out the pictures below, and you’ll see what I mean..

At the starting point( Siloso beach), we were first told to fill out forms and then the crew checked our weights. Then we sat in the golf car to reach the zipline start point which is on top of Imbiah hill. This drive was through the forest.

Once on top of the Imbiah hill, my kids (12 and 7) were zipped into (pun intended! ☺) their safety harnesses. The crew was super professional in handling all the adventurers. The views from the top were fantastic.

My daughter is not normally an adventure sports person. But see the smile on her face there? She had the time of her life!

I was strapped in with my son. He complained about it – loudly (“Mum, I’m a big boy now!”) – but the truth is, I opted for a double harness for my own sake, not for his! ☺

The zipline’s destination is a small island that forms part of the larger Sentosa island. So you are zipping across the forest canopy followed by the white sands of Siloso beach and lastly the blue waters before your final landing on the island. 

At one point, cable cars were also passing along the zipline — giving new meaning to the word ‘traffic’!

We landed with a not-unpleasant thump, hearts still pounding and palms still sweating with residual excitement (well can you blame us 😉

We got down from the landing station and relaxed on that small island  to enjoy the sparkling blue water and perfect weather before we walked back to the hut.

We then walked back across the bay to the check-out hut to return our gear. The short walk also gave us a chance to cool down from all the excitement. The views were absolutely spectacular – blue waters, clear azure skies and golden sand all around. In fact, I’d recommend ziplining at Sentosa as much for the post-adventure views as for the adventure itself!

So there you go. If you want to try an adventure sport but are too chicken to try the more difficult (and frankly scary!) ones like bungy jumping or parasailing, why not try ziplining at Sentosa Island, Singapore? It’s an adrenaline-fuelled, fun-filled ride, and I promise you, you won’t regret it! ☺

My advice would be to carry a small waist pouch with your phone so that you click pics while coming back. I would also strongly recommend to buy the pics. The staff did a pretty good job. The pics coated me 50 USD but I found them totally worth it.

Sentosa is a gorgeous, well-planned recreation island just south of Singapore’s bustling city centre. If you are ever in Singapore on holiday, you should definitely include Sentosa on your itinerary. Check out my other blogs for more information on this amazing tourist destination.