

Mandukasan Mandu → frog asana → posture/pose Level: Beginner Benefits: Massages internal organs including the pancreas to help control diabetes Helps reduce belly fat Improves digestion and provides relief from constipation, acidity and bloating Strengthens back and...


Vajrasan Vajra → thunderbolt asana → posture/pose Also known as: Kneeling/diamond pose Level: Beginner Unlike most asanas, Vajrasan can be done on a full stomach. It is an ideal pose to help with the practise of Pranayam, Kapalbhati and meditation. Sustaining the pose...


Pavanmuktasan Pavan → wind mukt → free/relief asana → posture/pose Also known as: Knee to chest pose Level: Beginner Pavan muktasan is one of the best poses for relieving gastric problems such as acidity, indigestion and bloating (gas). However, it also has other...
Anaemia home remedies

Anaemia home remedies

Anaemia occurs due to loss of iron and whose iron intake is not adequate. I have always been anaemic and my haemoglobin count not more than 9. Everyone is aware about dark green leafy vegetables like spinach,fenugreek as iron rich foods. However I found the following...